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Common Cold Sores

John and Laura Adams

Do you or someone in your immediate family occasionally suffer from cold sores?  By age 50, an estimated 80-90% of adults are infected with the virus that causes cold sores.  Often called fever blisters, this common ailment is nothing serious; but it is sometimes painful and embarrassing.   What are these unsightly blisters?  How are they spread?  And how can you help prevent them?

Cold sores often occur during a viral illness, like a cold. Cold sores are actually small clusters of blisters that usually form around the mouth or on the lips.  The herpes simplex virus is the cause of these sores, although a person can be infected and never have an outbreak or show any symptoms at all.  Factors that can trigger a cold sore outbreak include stress, fever, and trauma to the mouth area, like sunburn or a surgical procedure.

People who are infected with this type of herpes virus tend to be able to feel a cold sore coming on.  Symptoms like tingling, soreness, and redness serve as warning signs and are a good indicator to begin treatment.  Although a cold sore will heal eventually on its own, antiviral medications taken by mouth as well as topical creams may shorten the outbreak. Unfortunately, there is no quick-fix or cure for the cold sore virus.


Once a person has been infected with the herpes simplex virus, the virus will always remain in the body, no matter if the person ever has an outbreak. There are tips to minimize the frequency of fever blister outbreaks in those patients who are symptomatic.

To reduce the onset of cold cores:

  • Try to maintain a moderate to low stress level.

  • Take extra precautions during cold and flu season not to get sick.

  • Diligently use lip balm and sunscreen on your face daily.

  • Avoid sharing things like razors, eating utensils, and lip balm with a person with a cold sore.

  • Prescription pills can be effective in preventing outbreaks.


If you have any questions about treatment or prevention of cold sores, we would love to help you find answers.  Please do not hesitate to contact our office. 



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